I just read this sobering tale about a guy who lost $8,000+ worth of cryptocurrency after being hacked. I’ve said it before, but this bears repeating: don’t trust anyone to hold your cryptocurrency for you. Online exchanges aren’t banks, and leaving your digital currency under somebody else’s control leaves you vulnerable to hacks like this one. I wrote […]
Posts Tagged ‘security’
Android Bitcoin & Litecoin wallets potentially vulnerable to theft due to coding flaw

Due to a serious flaw in the Java secure random number generator used by many Bitcoin applications on the Android operating system, any wallets generated by Android apps are potentially vulnerable to theft. While the advisory on bitcoin.org only mentions Bitcoin, the flawed code is also used in many Android Litecoin wallets, and probably also […]
Guide: Cryptocurrency Wallet Security

So you’ve built your own mining rig, you’ve mastered the art of trading for profit on the cryptocurrency exchanges, but you haven’t given much thought to securing your digital fortune against theft and accidental loss? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Wallet security isn’t exactly a glamorous topic. In fact, many of you might even assume […]