So you’re interested in mining cryptocurrency, but you’re not sure where to start? No problem, this guide is all you need to set up your own headless litecoin mining rig—even if you have absolutely no experience with this sort of thing. First, let’s get the obvious question out of the way: why litecoins? After all, […]
Posts Tagged ‘mining’ mining pool operator trolls users; steals their litecoins

If you’re currently using as your litecoin mining pool, and you’re not aware of the extreme shadiness that went down there last week, you may want to read on. In fact, even if you don’t use, it’s important to be aware of the fact that some of the mining pools out there are […]
Is cryptocurrency mining an environmental issue?

Mark Gimein, writing for Bloomberg News, commented that bitcoin mining uses quite a bit of power. Enough that he calls it a “real-world environmental disaster”: About 982 megawatt hours a day, to be exact. That’s enough to power roughly 31,000 U.S. homes, or about half a Large Hadron Collider. […] Real-world mining of precious metals […]