Forbes published an article today that highlights the tremendous earning power of Litecoin for anyone that had the foresight to buy-in a year ago—it handily beat out top stocks, gold, and even Bitcoin to earn its spot as the top investment of 2013. From the article: The best way to spend a c-note on January […]
Posts Tagged ‘forbes’
Forbes names Litecoin the best investment for time travelers going back to early 2013

Forbes journalist living on bitcoin for a week

A Forbes staffer is chronicling her week-long experiment to live solely on bitcoin for one week. Her journey only began yesterday, but you can read about how the first day went by clicking the link.
Steve Forbes: Bitcoins are not money

According to Steve Forbes, bitcoin does not qualify as a currency. The basic reason? Bitcoins do not have a fixed value, thanks to their outrageous volatility: Money is most optimal when it is fixed in value just as commerce is facilitated when we have fixed weights and measures. When you buy a pound of hamburger […]