Coinbase just published an update that details an apparent change of heart on bitcoin cash: they’re working on supporting it by the start of 2018. This means that if you have any bitcoin that you left in Coinbase’s hands during the hard fork a couple days ago, you’ll get your fair share of created bitcoin […]
Posts Tagged ‘coinbase’
Reminder: get your bitcoin out of Coinbase before August 1st!

If you have any bitcoin stored at Coinbase or any other online exchange, it’s probably a good idea to move it into a private wallet that you control ASAP. On August 1st, the Bitcoin network will likely fork into two separate blockchains—which will create a new currency in the process. Everyone that owns bitcoin will […]
Litecoin available to trade on Coinbase

Coinbase, widely regarded as one of the largest and most trustworthy cryptocurrency exchanges, has finally added support for Litecoin as of a few minutes ago. Their LTC price is currently all over the place—immediately rising to nearly $35 before backing down into the low $20s (other exchanges are listing LTC at around $20). It’ll be interesting to […]
Bitcoin price hits all-time high

Bitcoin has gained about 15% in value over the past week, putting it at over $1,450 on Coinbase currently. That’s higher than any point since its inception! Ethereum and Litecoin are both also doing quite well. ETH is up roughly 50% compared to just one week ago, and LTC has nearly quadrupled in value since the start of […]
Coinbase CEO confirms Litecoin support coming

Brian Armstrong, the CEO of Coinbase, has confirmed via Twitter that Litecoin support is finally on the way. A recent press release hinted that Coinbase might be eyeing LTC, but this is the first time Armstrong has publicly acknowledged implementation plans. No time frame was mentioned, but this is good news for Litecoin regardless!
Coinbase to finally offer support for Litecoin?

A press release from New York’s Department of Financial Services dated yesterday reveals that Coinbase has been granted approval to offer Litecoin services to its users. Coinbase is widely regarded as the premier Bitcoin exchange. Last July, they added support for Ethereum, prompting many to wonder when (or if) support for Litecoin was coming. The […]
Happy Bitcoin Black Friday!

Today is Bitcoin Black Friday, and that means there are some good deals to be had for shoppers using bitcoin to pay for their purchases. Remember that the long-term success of cryptocurrency depends on consumers that are willing to spend their coins—so consider making at least one purchase today in support of Bitcoin’s future. Also, […]
Coinbase waiving all fees this Friday

Coinbase today announced that they’ll be waiving all fees on 11/29 in celebration of Bitcoin Black Friday. If you’ve been wanting to buy, sell, or trade bitcoin, it won’t cost you a Satoshi at Coinbase this Friday. Coinbase is probably one of the more reliable and trustworthy exchanges available at the moment, if you’re not […]