Happy (belated) New Year! I intended to get this post up earlier, but I’ve been under the weather lately. Now that we’re about a week into 2018, it’s probably a good time to talk about what’s in store for cryptocurrency as this decade winds down. I see daily questions from readers about my opinions on what […]
Posts Tagged ‘btc’
Bitcoin: it’s over 9000 (dollars)!

With Bitcoin’s price currently hovering around $9,400 on Coinbase, it’s time for the obligatory “it’s over 9000” post. Bitcoin’s value has been increasing steadily over the past 48 hours, hitting new all-time highs nearly hourly—and it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down. Let’s all pause and remember that one bitcoin cost a mere ~$700 just […]
Bitcoin’s SegWit2x fork postponed indefinitely

With only a week to go before its planned implementation, yesterday’s announcement that Bitcoin’s planned SegWit2x fork is being shelved indefinitely came as somewhat of a surprise. Ultimately this is good news. Bitcoin is already confusing enough to the average individual without another fork caused by lack of community consensus added to the mix—especially in […]
Bitcoin soars past $4000 to new all-time high

Bitcoin is currently trading at over $4,100 on Coinbase and most other major exchanges, after climbing nearly $500 over the past 24 hours. The current price represents a ~600% increase compared to just one year ago! The relatively uneventful hard fork on August 1st, combined with the recent consensus to lock in SegWit (which paves the […]
Coinbase reverses position; will support bitcoin cash after all

Coinbase just published an update that details an apparent change of heart on bitcoin cash: they’re working on supporting it by the start of 2018. This means that if you have any bitcoin that you left in Coinbase’s hands during the hard fork a couple days ago, you’ll get your fair share of created bitcoin […]
Reminder: get your bitcoin out of Coinbase before August 1st!

If you have any bitcoin stored at Coinbase or any other online exchange, it’s probably a good idea to move it into a private wallet that you control ASAP. On August 1st, the Bitcoin network will likely fork into two separate blockchains—which will create a new currency in the process. Everyone that owns bitcoin will […]
Is this another cryptocurrency bubble?

No doubt most of you have been following the explosive increase in cryptocurrency valuations over the past month. The price of one ether has risen about 400% in the past 30 days. The value of Bitcoin has doubled over the same period, with a single coin trading at an all-time high of nearly $2,500. Litecoin […]
Bitcoin price hits all-time high

Bitcoin has gained about 15% in value over the past week, putting it at over $1,450 on Coinbase currently. That’s higher than any point since its inception! Ethereum and Litecoin are both also doing quite well. ETH is up roughly 50% compared to just one week ago, and LTC has nearly quadrupled in value since the start of […]