If you’re wondering what’s going on with the price of digital currencies over the past day or so, this lawsuit between two of the biggest players in the bitcoin arena is likely to blame. From the Gawker article: The Coinlab-Mt. Gox juggernaut was supposed to bring a new level of service, along with the legitimacy […]
Posts Tagged ‘bitcoin’
Forbes journalist living on bitcoin for a week

A Forbes staffer is chronicling her week-long experiment to live solely on bitcoin for one week. Her journey only began yesterday, but you can read about how the first day went by clicking the link.
BBC News Report on Bitcoin

The BBC posted a short “how it works” video about Bitcoin today: (click here if the video won’t load for you) While short, the video is interesting, accurate, and up to usual high BBC standards. Keep your eyes open for a shot of cgminer running about 2 minutes in. =)
CNET: Bitcoin is the future of money

CNET posted an opinion piece on Bitcoin today that delivers a positive outlook on the future of cryptocurrency. While there are a couple minor misconceptions in the article, it’s always nice to see good press on digital currency in mainstream news. A snippet: Crypto-currency is a certifiable Pretty Big Deal. The Facebook antagonists otherwise known as […]
Nearly half of Bitcoin exchanges fail

A recent Wired UK study concluded that a whopping 45% of Bitcoin exchanges have failed, usually resulting in the loss of users’ deposits. Exchanges that manage to stick around are typically under constant attack from hackers looking to commit virtual heists. From the article: Exchanges handling 275 Bitcoins’ worth of transactions each day have a […]
PayPal president “kinda thinking about” supporting Bitcoin

David Marcus, president of PayPal, says that he is considering the possibility of supporting Bitcoin as a PayPal funding instrument in the future: (skip to 2:50 in the video for the Bitcoin comments) A transcript of Marcus’s response: So I’ve been spending a lot of time looking at [Bitcoin], and it’s truly fascinating actually: the […]
WordPress bitcoin ticker plugin, anyone?

A few days ago, I decided that a blog about cryptocurrencies needed a bitcoin ticker. So I went looking for a WordPress bitcoin ticker plugin widget. To my great surprise, entering “bitcoin ticker” into the WordPress plugin repository search box returned zero results. Almost 25,000 plugins and nobody has released a simple bitcoin ticker yet? […]
Bitcoin on the Colbert Report

A hilarious piece on bitcoin appeared on the Colbert Report yesterday: (video removed) (Click here to go directly to the video if you can’t see it here.)
Steve Forbes: Bitcoins are not money

According to Steve Forbes, bitcoin does not qualify as a currency. The basic reason? Bitcoins do not have a fixed value, thanks to their outrageous volatility: Money is most optimal when it is fixed in value just as commerce is facilitated when we have fixed weights and measures. When you buy a pound of hamburger […]
Is cryptocurrency mining an environmental issue?

Mark Gimein, writing for Bloomberg News, commented that bitcoin mining uses quite a bit of power. Enough that he calls it a “real-world environmental disaster”: About 982 megawatt hours a day, to be exact. That’s enough to power roughly 31,000 U.S. homes, or about half a Large Hadron Collider. […] Real-world mining of precious metals […]