Happy (belated) New Year! I intended to get this post up earlier, but I’ve been under the weather lately. Now that we’re about a week into 2018, it’s probably a good time to talk about what’s in store for cryptocurrency as this decade winds down. I see daily questions from readers about my opinions on what […]
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Happy Holidays!

Just wanted to take a minute and wish everyone a happy holiday season! I’ve heard from quite a few of you over the past couple months, including some folks that started following my blog back in 2013. A few of you have indicated that you’re now crypto-millionaires, which is incredible. While I haven’t been able […]
PSA: don’t store your cryptocurrency in online exchanges!

I just read this sobering tale about a guy who lost $8,000+ worth of cryptocurrency after being hacked. I’ve said it before, but this bears repeating: don’t trust anyone to hold your cryptocurrency for you. Online exchanges aren’t banks, and leaving your digital currency under somebody else’s control leaves you vulnerable to hacks like this one. I wrote […]
Is this another cryptocurrency bubble?

No doubt most of you have been following the explosive increase in cryptocurrency valuations over the past month. The price of one ether has risen about 400% in the past 30 days. The value of Bitcoin has doubled over the same period, with a single coin trading at an all-time high of nearly $2,500. Litecoin […]
Apologies for the lack of updates

Just a quick note that I’ve been dealing with the death of somebody close to me over the past several weeks, and updates to the site have suffered as a result. I should be able to get back into a semi-regular schedule starting next week. If you’ve sent me a message at any point in […]
One million!

This little site had its millionth visitor today, and I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you to everyone for all of the kind words that I’ve received via comments and email over the past few months. Hearing from hundreds of people around the world that are passionate about cryptocurrency has made […]
My custom mining rigs are temporarily unavailable

Just a quick note that I’ve temporarily disabled the ordering process for my custom mining rigs. I’ve had quite a few orders come in lately and I need a few days to catch up. Once I clear out the backlog, I’ll re-open the ordering process, so check back in a few days. Sorry for the […]
Expect a correction on these runaway cryptocurrency valuations

It’s been exciting watching litecoin go from ~$10 to ~$30 over the past 48 hours, and seeing bitcoin punch through $1000 today. But I’d urge everyone to not make any rash decisions about dumping large amounts of cash into crypto, with the hopes of riding this crazy train to riches. The current growth is mostly […]
Please be reachable if you purchase one of my custom mining rigs!

Just a quick note that I have been unable to reach a couple of the people that have purchased a custom mining rig from me over the past few days. I need to be able to reach buyers so that I can gather mining pool worker credentials and some other information in order to set […]
On mining profitability

With the price of litecoin and bitcoin on the rise, I’ve received a tremendous amount of email over the past couple weeks from people wanting to know whether or not it’s “too late” to get into mining. Or how soon one can expect to break even on a new mining rig purchase. Or what my […]