About CryptoBadger

A wild cryptobadger!
I’m a 30-something software engineer, technology enthusiast, and general all-around-geek living in the greater New York City area.
I became interested in Bitcoin in late 2010 after discovering the bitcointalk forums. The idea of a decentralized, quasi-anonymous, secure payment system with its own built-in method for gradual distribution of currency was fascinating to me. I dabbled in mining a bit, but didn’t have the foresight to take it seriously until much more recently.
Today, I follow cryptocurrency news on a daily basis and run a small mining operation out of my basement. Through this site, my hope is that I can share some of the knowledge that I’ve picked up over the last few years, as well as provide a consolidated source of major digital currency news.
If you’d like to send me a private message, click here.