Just a quick note that I finally sat down and updated the hardware, Linux, and Windows sections of my Ethereum mining guide today, bringing everything up-to-date with current best practices. The Linux setup guide especially deserves your attention if you set up your own rig in the recent past and have noticed a slow degradation […]
Archive for November, 2017
Bitcoin: it’s over 9000 (dollars)!

With Bitcoin’s price currently hovering around $9,400 on Coinbase, it’s time for the obligatory “it’s over 9000” post. Bitcoin’s value has been increasing steadily over the past 48 hours, hitting new all-time highs nearly hourly—and it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down. Let’s all pause and remember that one bitcoin cost a mere ~$700 just […]
Bitcoin’s SegWit2x fork postponed indefinitely

With only a week to go before its planned implementation, yesterday’s announcement that Bitcoin’s planned SegWit2x fork is being shelved indefinitely came as somewhat of a surprise. Ultimately this is good news. Bitcoin is already confusing enough to the average individual without another fork caused by lack of community consensus added to the mix—especially in […]