Just a quick note that I’ve temporarily disabled the ordering process for my custom mining rigs. I’ve had quite a few orders come in lately and I need a few days to catch up. Once I clear out the backlog, I’ll re-open the ordering process, so check back in a few days. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you everyone for the tremendous interest!
My custom mining rigs are temporarily unavailable

I was thinking of not building a rig but buying BFL BitForce Jalapeno to mine litecoin. Is that possible? Would It be a lot of trouble to configure?
Thanks again.
That’s impossible – bitcoin asics can not mine litecoins because bitcoins use SHA-256 technology and Litecoins use scrypt technology. If you could get the 5 gh/s from a $250 Asic for mining litecoins you would get 2800 LTC/day with your 5,000,000 kh/s or $10k/day for a $250 investment… everyone would do it then.