Today is Bitcoin Black Friday, and that means there are some good deals to be had for shoppers using bitcoin to pay for their purchases. Remember that the long-term success of cryptocurrency depends on consumers that are willing to spend their coins—so consider making at least one purchase today in support of Bitcoin’s future. Also, […]
Archive for November, 2013
My custom mining rigs are temporarily unavailable

Just a quick note that I’ve temporarily disabled the ordering process for my custom mining rigs. I’ve had quite a few orders come in lately and I need a few days to catch up. Once I clear out the backlog, I’ll re-open the ordering process, so check back in a few days. Sorry for the […]
Expect a correction on these runaway cryptocurrency valuations

It’s been exciting watching litecoin go from ~$10 to ~$30 over the past 48 hours, and seeing bitcoin punch through $1000 today. But I’d urge everyone to not make any rash decisions about dumping large amounts of cash into crypto, with the hopes of riding this crazy train to riches. The current growth is mostly […]
Coinbase waiving all fees this Friday

Coinbase today announced that they’ll be waiving all fees on 11/29 in celebration of Bitcoin Black Friday. If you’ve been wanting to buy, sell, or trade bitcoin, it won’t cost you a Satoshi at Coinbase this Friday. Coinbase is probably one of the more reliable and trustworthy exchanges available at the moment, if you’re not […]
mcxNOW exchange shutting down temporarily; get your coins out before Dec 20th

mcxNOW just put out notice that they’ll be shutting down temporarily on December 20th to work out some technical issues. The exchange is apparently a one-man operation, and going dark for a month or three to work out the system kinks was deemed the best option. If you use mcxNOW, it’s probably a good idea […]
Buckle up: Virgin Galactic now accepting Bitcoin

Virgin Galactic today announced that your bitcoins can be used to secure a trip into space. So, recent bitcoin millionaires: what better way to celebrate your newly-acquired crypto-fortune than a ride on Virgin’s SpaceShipTwo? Ticket reservations are a cool $250,000 USD—or about 340 bitcoins at current exchange rates. First sandwiches, now spaceship tickets. It’s been […]
PSA: Amazon Prime is awesome, free for 30 days

For those of you ordering mining rig parts from Amazon, you can get yourself a free 30 day trial of Amazon Prime, which entitles you to free 2-day shipping (and a host of other benefits, including a streaming video library that is on par with Netflix’s service). You can cancel your Prime trial immediately after […]
Radeon 7950 GPUs are becoming scarce

Many of you have contacted me recently asking for my opinion of x brand/model of 7950 GPU, given that some of the top choices from my mining hardware guide are sold out everywhere. Thought I’d throw up a quick post with some of the best alternatives for those of you that are looking to build […]
Today’s Senate hearing on Bitcoin: surprisingly reasonable

This afternoon’s Senate hearing regarding the future of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies went quite well. In fact, the Washington Post is calling the hearing a “Bitcoin Lovefest.” It seems that many of the top US government officials recognize the potential value of Bitcoin, as well as the danger of stifling innovation by attempting to regulate it. […]
Please be reachable if you purchase one of my custom mining rigs!

Just a quick note that I have been unable to reach a couple of the people that have purchased a custom mining rig from me over the past few days. I need to be able to reach buyers so that I can gather mining pool worker credentials and some other information in order to set […]