Today the Thai-based Bitcoin Co. Ltd., an online bitcoin currency exchange, was forced to shutter operations after receiving notice from the Bank of Thailand that Bitcoin might be illegal due to the lack of any laws that explicitly allow it. From their website: At the conclusion of the meeting senior members of the Foreign Exchange Administration and […]
Archive for July, 2013
Marketwatch: Digital currency threatens gold’s value

A Marketwatch commentary posted today claims that the most significant long-term threat to gold’s value as an investment is the rising popularity of digital currency, such as Bitcoin. From the article: If you just wanted a reliable place to stash your cash, you had two options — deposits in banks in a currency controlled by […]
WSJ blogger asks: “Are Litecoins the next big thing?”

At least one Wall Street blogger believes that Litecoins are the next big thing. The author’s post hits on the standard litecoin vs. bitcoin differences, but mostly focuses the success of CipherMine, a Litecoin-mining company that went public a few weeks ago on the LTC Global Exchange. From the post: Shares in CipherMine, a company […]
Happy 4th!

Happy Independence Day to those of you in the US! Also, just a reminder that today is the last day to purchase one of my custom mining rigs at $76 off!
Mt. Gox resumes USD withdrawal service

Mt. Gox has announced that they’ve resumed processing USD withdrawals, via a new transaction backend. There is apparently a backlog for them to work through, so withdrawal requests might still take some time.