I just got a shipment of riser cables in, for those of you who were interested in purchasing a custom rig from me. I’ve also decided to take $76 off the purchase price of each rig until July 4th (or until I run out of risers again!), in celebration of Independence Day here in the […]
Archive for June, 2013
Techcrunch: people increasingly familiar with bitcoin; majority trust it

Techcrunch posted an interesting article that examines the results of a recent international survey around Bitcoin. It turns out that over a quarter of the people surveyed in the US have heard of Bitcoin, and the majority of those people trust the digital currency. From the article: So what do U.S. consumers make of Bitcoin […]
Mt. Gox temporarily suspends cash withdrawls

Mt. Gox today announced that they’re temporarily suspending USD cash withdrawals, due to their existing processes being unable to adequately accommodate increasing activity. Mt. Gox expects withdrawals to be unavailable for about 2 weeks, during which time they’ll be working to increase capacity. Deposits, transfers, and withdrawal requests for currency other than USD are not […]
Australian retailer now accepting Bitcoin and Litecoin

Gizmodo is reporting that Australian electronics retailer Millennius is now accepting both Bitcoin and Litecoin as forms of payment on its website. While quite a few global retailers have already adopted Bitcoin, Millennius believes that they’re the first to accept Litecoin. Good news for cryptocurrency, and especially Litecoin—hopefully more retailers follow suit in the coming […]
AMD 7990 GPUs available at Amazon

Amazon has some of the new Radeon 7990 video cards available. These behemoths are essentially two 7970 GPUs on one card, but require less power than two individual 7970s. That package should make it quite a good choice for cryptocurrency mining, if you can stomach the price tag (although it currently comes with vouchers for […]
Business Insider: Litecoin is the silver to Bitcoin’s gold

Litecoin is starting to get attention in mainstream news as a complementary cryptocurrency to the more established Bitcoin. Business Insider posted a short piece today describing Litecoin as the “silver to Bitcoin’s gold”. The article is short and largely inaccurate on the technical details, but any press that raises public awareness of digital currency is […]
Baby “bought” with bitcoins

CNN is reporting on a “bitcoin baby” born to a couple that paid for their fertility treatment services with bitcoins: [Dr. Lee, a fertility specialist] broached the subject with a few of his clients. If he offered a big discount, he asked, would they consider paying him with bitcoins? “In some cases they reacted like […]
Beware of fake Mt. Gox phishing sites

Recently, a host of phishing sites that spoof the look of Mt. Gox have been showing up in ads from major advertising providers. The operators of these scam sites aim to trick visitors into downloading malware which enables them to steal your Mt. Gox login credentials, so they can then pilfer your account. Nelp Net […]
CryptoBadger’s custom mining rigs for sale!

Several of you have contacted me to ask about buying pre-assembled mining rigs over the past couple months. Some people don’t have the time and/or confidence to build their own, and would rather buy something that they can just plug in and have work so they can get into mining without the potential installation headaches. Up […]
What’s the long-term value of Bitcoin?

Techcrunch has an interesting article up about the potential future value of Bitcoin. Given that there will only ever be at most 21 million bitcoins in circulation, it’s a trivial exercise to calculate how much each coin will be worth, given some assumptions around which markets Bitcoin manages to capture. The article includes an interactive […]