If you’re wondering what’s going on with the price of digital currencies over the past day or so, this lawsuit between two of the biggest players in the bitcoin arena is likely to blame. From the Gawker article: The Coinlab-Mt. Gox juggernaut was supposed to bring a new level of service, along with the legitimacy […]
Archive for May, 2013
Forbes journalist living on bitcoin for a week

A Forbes staffer is chronicling her week-long experiment to live solely on bitcoin for one week. Her journey only began yesterday, but you can read about how the first day went by clicking the link.
BBC News Report on Bitcoin

The BBC posted a short “how it works” video about Bitcoin today: (click here if the video won’t load for you) While short, the video is interesting, accurate, and up to usual high BBC standards. Keep your eyes open for a shot of cgminer running about 2 minutes in. =)